ConfigMgr: WIM Your Applications Like a Boss

12-12-2020 2:25 PM


Disclaimer: All information and content in this blog posts is provided without any warranty whatsoever. The entire risk of using this information or executing the provided content remains with you. Under no circumstances should Dell, Microsoft, its author, or anyone else involved in the creation of these blog posts be held liable for any damage or data loss.

Disclaimer: Do NOT create a WIM from files located on a dedup volume! Really bad things WILL happen! The ConfigMgr overlords (Mike & Gary) will punish those of us who did it anyway! - You have been warned!

Knowledge: I assume that people who read this blog post has an general understanding of application creation in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager, so I won't be deep-diving into details about that in this post.



For several years I've built huge applications of 10-20 GB in size (Hashtag Autodesk) with a long deployment time to follow for the end user. For all those years I been wanting to come up with a solution to reduce the size of the applications and deployment time.

Then earlier this year I was inspired by Martin Bengtsson and his blog post about capturing drivers into a WIM format and *BINGO* then came the idea to build a PowerShell script to handle WIM applications in our Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager environment with logic and log function.

After it has gone into production, I can now share it with you guys🤓


Windows Imaging (WIM) format is a file-based disk image format. It was developed by Microsoft to help deploy Windows Vista and subsequent versions of the Windows operating systems.

With the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool, it is possible to create a data image for applications, files, and other resources.

Read more about creating a data image here

WIM Creation

Okay, let's get started! As mentioned above, you need the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) tool in order to capture an application as WIM format and you must use this tool from either CMD or PowerShell.

Note: There is currently an ongoing discussion for and against using MAX compression when using deduplication in your environment. I've tested both FAST and MAX compression and I have not experienced any problems in our environment and we are using deduplication along with BranchCache.

But I tend to listen to clever people, so my recommendation at this point is to use "/Compress:fast" if you are using deduplication, just to be safe🤓

7-ZIP: Wait a second, why WIM and not 7-Zip you might ask? Well, with WIM you only need to mount and unmount the image, which leaves a much smaller footprint than 7-Zip because you don't have to extract the content and use extra storage space!

Hashing: Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager uses a hashing function to determine if the files are different. Every file are given a hash value, which means that there may be hundreds of files per application to hash check during distributing and downloading content.

By using WIM captured applications, only two files need to be hash checked.

Read more about hashing here

Now, let´s try and WIM the latest Java 8 Update 271 application.

Step 1. Create a temp folder containing your source application e.g. C:\Temp\Java

Step 2. From an elevated CMD or PowerShell prompt, run the below DISM command.

# DISM command for capturing a data image
Dism.exe /Capture-Image /ImageFile:C:\Temp\Application.wim /CaptureDir:"C:\Temp\Java" /Name:"Oracle" /Description:"Java 8 Update 271" /Compress:fast

This will create an application.wim file and if we compare the source folder to the application.wim, we can see that it didn't reduce the size due to the already small size of the Java application.

But what happens if we make the same comparison with an Autodesk application?

Let´s compare the Autodesk Revit 2021 source folder with the WIM file. Whoa..! We went from 12.039 files and 1610 folders to 1 single WIM file and reduced the size by 2,5 GB! Damn! That's awesome 😎

This was the easy part! We can now focus on my PowerShell script, which will be used to deploy the application as WIM format.

The Deployment Script

Download the deployment script from my GitHub repo.

The script supports the following deployment modes (Install, Uninstall, Repair) and you only need to change a few lines for each of these deployment modes to fit your needs - See more in the script details.

The script does also support Get-Help and Verbose.

Script (Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1)

	Mount WIM, Install, Uninstall or Repair Application and Unmount WIM.

	The purpose of this script is to mount a WIM containing an application that will
	be installed, uninstalled or repaired and then unmount the WIM again.

	So before using this script, you must capture the application into a WIM file and
	this can be done with the DISM example further down in this description.

	Capturing applications as WIM and the use of this script reduces our application
	deployment time through Configuration Manager by 30-60% depending on the hardware
	configuration and the application size.

	We are old school and we use CMD scripts for application deployment in our environment.
	But it's pretty easy to modify the deployment mode variables found in the "Begin" script
	block to support other formats like .msi, .exe or .ps1 file.

	DISM Example.
	                    Dism.exe /Capture-Image /ImageFile:C:\Temp\Application.wim /CaptureDir:"C:\Temp\Java" /Name:"Oracle" /Description:"Java" /Compress:fast

	NOTE. I'll recommend using "/Compress:fast" if you are using deduplication. Some wise people state that
	      "/Compress:max" is no good if you are using deduplication. And I tend to listen to wise people ;)

	CMD Example (Default).

	                    $FilePath = Join-Path -Path "$MountDir" -ChildPath "Install.cmd"
	                    $Process = "cmd.exe"
	                    $Arguments = @(
	                        "> nul",
	                        "&& exit"

	MSI Example.

	    Change this ->  $FilePath = Join-Path -Path "$MountDir" -ChildPath "Setup.msi"
	    Change this ->  $Process = "msiexec.exe"
	    Change this ->  $Arguments = @(

	EXE Example.

	    Change this ->  $FilePath = Join-Path -Path "$MountDir" -ChildPath "Setup.exe"
	                    $Process = "cmd.exe"
	    Change this ->  $Arguments = @(
	                        "&& Exit"

	EXE Example (Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019).

	                    $FilePath = Join-Path -Path "$MountDir" -ChildPath "Setup.exe"
	                    $Process = "cmd.exe"
	                    $Arguments = @(
	                        "&& Exit"

	PS1 Example.

	    Change this ->  $FilePath = Join-Path -Path "$MountDir" -ChildPath "Install.ps1"
	    Change this ->  $Process = "powershell.exe"
	    Change this ->  $Arguments = @(
	                        "-Param_1 ""ParamValue""",
	                        "-Param_2 ""ParamValue"""

	Changes the default location from ".\Mount" to the location specified.

	Changes the default location and filename from ".\Application.wim" to the location and filename specified.

	Changes the default location from "$env:SystemRoot\Temp" (C:\WINDOWS\Temp) to the location specified.

	Specify a XML configuration file for the application to be deployed, e.g. Office-Configuration.xml

	Specify a name of the application to be deployed, e.g. Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019.

.PARAMETER DeploymentMode
	Specify whether to Install, Uninstall or Repair the application, e.g. .\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1 -DeploymentMode "Install" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019"

	# Mount WIM to the default location, install the application, unmount WIM and cleanup the mount directory.
	.\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1 -DeploymentMode "Install" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019"

	# Mount WIM to the default location, repair the application, unmount WIM and cleanup the mount directory.
	.\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1 -DeploymentMode "Repair" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019"

	# Mount WIM to the default location, uninstall the application, unmount WIM and cleanup the mount directory.
	.\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1 -DeploymentMode "Uninstall" -XML "Office-Uninstall.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019"

	# Mount WIM to the default location, install the application, unmount WIM and cleanup the mount directory, with -Verbose added for troubleshooting purposes.
	.\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1 -DeploymentMode "Install" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019" -Verbose

	# Mount WIM to the default location, use a custom log location, install the application, unmount WIM and cleanup the mount directory.
	.\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1 -DeploymentMode "Install" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019" -LogDir "C:\Temp\Log"

	# Mount WIM to an custom location, install the application, unmount WIM and cleanup the mount directory.
	.\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1 -MountDir "C:\Temp\Mount" -DeploymentMode "Install" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019"

	# Mount WIM to an custom location, use a custom log location, install the application, unmount WIM and cleanup the mount directory.
	.\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1 -MountDir "C:\Temp\Mount" -DeploymentMode "Install" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019" -LogDir "C:\Temp\Log"

	Version:       1.0.5
	Filename:      Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1
	Author:        Sune Thomsen
	Contact:       @SuneThomsenDK
	Created:       24-08-2020
	Modified:      05-12-2020

	Contributors:  @MDaugaard_DK

	Version History:
	1.0.0 - (24-08-2020) Script created.
	1.0.1 - (28-08-2020) Added correct exit code and changed the logic in the Invoke-ApplicationDeployment function.
	1.0.2 - (31-08-2020) Added Invoke-SplitLog function to the script, which will split logs when it become larger than 250KB.
	1.0.3 - (01-09-2020) Added VERBOSE to the script.
	1.0.4 - (06-10-2020) Added check for already mounted images.
	1.0.5 - (05-12-2020) Added XML parameter for XML configuration used in Microsoft Office Click-To-Run installation.

[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]Param (
	[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Changes the default location from ".\Mount" to the location specified.')]
	[String]$MountDir = ".\Mount",

	[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Changes the default location and filename from ".\Application.wim" to the location and filename specified.')]
	[String]$SourceWIM = ".\Application.wim",

	[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Changes the default location from "$env:SystemRoot\Temp" (C:\WINDOWS\Temp) to the location specified.')]
	[String]$LogDir = "$env:SystemRoot\Temp",

	[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Specify a XML configuration file for the application to be deployed, e.g. Office-Configuration.xml')]

	[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Specify a name of the application to be deployed, e.g. Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019.')]

	[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Specify whether to Install, Uninstall or Repair the application, e.g. .\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1 -DeploymentMode "Install" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019"')]
	[ValidateSet("Install", "Uninstall", "Repair")]

Begin {
	# Set the variables used throughout the script
	$ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name
	Write-Verbose "Script name:  $($ScriptName)"

	$ReturnCode = 0
	Write-Verbose "Return code:  $($ReturnCode)"

	Switch ($DeploymentMode) {
		"Install" {
			$FilePath = Join-Path -Path "$MountDir" -ChildPath "Install.cmd"
			$Process = "cmd.exe"
			$Arguments = @(
				"> nul",
				"&& exit"
		"Uninstall" {
			$FilePath = Join-Path -Path "$MountDir" -ChildPath "Uninstall.cmd"
			$Process = "cmd.exe"
			$Arguments = @(
				"> nul",
				"&& exit"
		"Repair" {
			$FilePath = Join-Path -Path "$MountDir" -ChildPath "Repair.cmd"
			$Process = "cmd.exe"
			$Arguments = @(
				"> nul",
				"&& exit"
	Write-Verbose "Deployment Mode:  $($DeploymentMode)"
	Write-Verbose "Deployment FilePath:  $($FilePath)"
	Write-Verbose "Deployment Process:  $($Process)"
	Write-Verbose "Deployment Arguments:  $($Arguments)"
Process {
	# Functions
	Function Write-Log {
		Param (
			[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage = "Message added to the log file.")]

			[Parameter(Mandatory=$false, HelpMessage = "Specify severity for the message. 1 = Information, 2 = Warning, 3 = Error.")]
			[ValidateSet("1", "2", "3")]
			[String]$Severity = "1"

		#Set log file max size
		If (($LogMaxSize -eq $Null)) {
			$Script:LogMaxSize = 250KB
			Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Max Size:  $($LogMaxSize) Bytes"

		# Trying to create log directory and filename if it does not exist
		If (!(Test-Path -Path "$LogDir")) {
			Try {
				New-Item -Path $LogDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
				$Script:LogDirFound = "True"
				Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Directory:  $($LogDir)"
			Catch {
				# Log directory creation failed. Write error on screen and stop the script.
				Write-Error -Message "Log directory creation failed. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)" -ErrorAction Stop
		Else {
			If (($LogDirFound -eq $Null)) {
				$Script:LogDirFound = "True"
				Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Directory:  $($LogDir)"

		If (($LogFile -eq $Null)) {
			$Script:LogFile = "$($ScriptName).log"
			Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Filename:  $($LogFile)"

		# Combine log directory with log file
		If (($LogFilePath -eq $Null)) {
			$Script:LogFilePath = Join-Path -Path "$LogDir" -ChildPath "$LogFile"
			Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Path:  $($LogFilePath)"

		# Creating timestamp for the log entry
		If (($Global:TimezoneBias -eq $Null)) {
			[Int]$Global:TimezoneBias = [System.TimeZone]::CurrentTimeZone.GetUtcOffset([DateTime]::Now).TotalMinutes
			Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Timezone Bias:  $($TimezoneBias)"

		If (!($LogTime -eq $Null)) {
			$Script:LogTime = -Join @((Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff"), $TimezoneBias)
		Else {
			$Script:LogTime = -Join @((Get-Date -Format "HH:mm:ss.fff"), $TimezoneBias)
			Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Time:  $($LogTime)"

		If (!($LogDate -eq $Null)) {
			$Script:LogDate = (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy")
		Else {
			$Script:LogDate = (Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy")
			Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Date:  $($LogDate)"

		# Creating context, component and log entry
		If (($LogContext -eq $Null)) {
			$Script:LogContext = $([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent().Name)
			Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Context:  $($LogContext)"

		If (($LogComponent -eq $Null)) {
			$Script:LogComponent = "ApplicationDeployment"
			Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Component:  $($LogComponent)"

		$LogEntry = "<![LOG[$($Message)]LOG]!><time=""$($LogTime)"" date=""$($LogDate)"" component=""$($LogComponent)"" context=""$($LogContext)"" type=""$($Severity)"" thread=""$($PID)"" file=""$($ScriptName)"">"

		# Trying to write log entry to log file
		If (!($LogFilePath -eq $Null)) {
			Try {
				Out-File -InputObject $LogEntry -Append -NoClobber -Encoding Default -FilePath $LogFilePath
				Write-Verbose "Write-Log - Log Entry:  $($LogEntry)"
			Catch {
				# Failed to append log entry. Write warning on screen but let the script continue.
				Write-Warning -Message "Failed to append log entry to $($LogFile). Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)"
		Else {
			# Failed to append log entry. Write warning on screen but let the script continue.
			Write-Warning -Message "Failed to append log entry. Error message: Log file not found."

		# Check log size and split if it's greather than 250KB
		If ((Test-Path -Path "$LogFilePath") -and (Get-ChildItem -Path $LogFilePath).Length -ge $LogMaxSize) {
			Try {
				Write-Log -Message "The log file has been split, older log entries can be found here:  $($SplitLogFilePath)" -Severity 2
			Catch {
				# Failed to split the log file. Write warning on screen but let the script continue.
				Write-Warning -Message "Failed to split the log file."

	Function Invoke-SplitLog {
		$SplitLogFileTime = (Get-Date).toString("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss")
		$SplitLogFile = "$($ScriptName)_$($SplitLogFileTime).log"
		$Script:SplitLogFilePath = Join-Path -Path "$LogDir" -ChildPath "$SplitLogFile"
		Write-Verbose "Invoke-SplitLog - Log Split Timestamp:  $($SplitLogFileTime)"
		Write-Verbose "Invoke-SplitLog - Log Split Filename:  $($SplitLogFile)"
		Write-Verbose "Invoke-SplitLog - Log Split Path:  $($SplitLogFilePath)"

		$Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader("$LogFilePath")
		While(($Line = $Reader.ReadLine()) -ne $Null) {
			Add-Content -Path $SplitLogFilePath -Value $Line

		# Remove old log file
		Remove-Item -Path $LogFilePath -Force
		Write-Verbose "Invoke-SplitLog - Log File Deleted:  $($LogFilePath)"

		# Compress the archived log file
		Compact /C $SplitLogFilePath | Out-Null
		Write-Verbose "Invoke-SplitLog - Archived Log File Compressed:  $($SplitLogFilePath)"

	Function Invoke-MountImage {
		Write-Log -Message "  - Directory mount verification . . ."
		# Trying to create mount directory if it does not exist
		If (!(Test-Path -Path "$MountDir")) {
			Try {
				Write-Log -Message "  - A mount directory was not found. Trying to create mount directory:  $($MountDir)" -Severity 2
				New-Item -Path $MountDir -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
				Write-Verbose "Invoke-MountImage - Mount Directory:  $($MountDir)"
				Write-Log -Message "  - Creation of the mount directory was successful"
			Catch {
				# Mount directory creation failed. Set return code and write log entry.
				$Script:ReturnCode = 1
				Write-Verbose "Invoke-MountImage - Return code:  $($ReturnCode)"
				Write-Log -Message "  - Mount directory creation failed. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Severity 3
		Else {
			Write-Verbose "Invoke-MountImage - Mount Directory:  $($MountDir)"
			Write-Log -Message "  - A mount directory was found:  $($MountDir)"

		If (($ReturnCode -eq 0)) {
			# Checking for already mounted images.
			Write-Log -Message "  - Checking for already mounted images . . ."
			$CheckMount = Get-WindowsImage -Mounted
			If (($CheckMount)) {
				Write-Log -Message "  - A mounted image was found." -Severity 2
				Write-Log -Message "  - Path:  $($CheckMount.path)" -Severity 2
				Write-Log -Message "  - ImagePath:  $($CheckMount.ImagePath)" -Severity 2
				Write-Log -Message "  - ImageIndex:  $($CheckMount.ImageIndex)" -Severity 2
				Write-Log -Message "  - MountMode:  $($CheckMount.MountMode)" -Severity 2
				Write-Log -Message "  - MountStatus:  $($CheckMount.MountStatus)" -Severity 2
				Write-Log -Message "  - Trying to unmount image:  $($CheckMount.ImagePath)"

					Get-WindowsImage -Mounted | ForEach-Object {$_ | Dismount-WindowsImage -Discard -ErrorVariable wimerr | Out-Null; if ([bool]$wimerr) {$errflag = $true}}; If (-not $errflag) {Clear-WindowsCorruptMountPoint | Out-Null}

				# Checking for already mounted images again.
				$CheckMount = Get-WindowsImage -Mounted
				If (!($CheckMount)) {
					Write-Log -Message "  - Image unmount was successful"
					Write-Log -Message "  - Trying to mount image:  $($SourceWIM)"
				Else {
					Write-Log -Message "  - Image unmount failed. But the script will try to mount image:  $($SourceWIM)"
			Else {
				Write-Log -Message "  - No mounted images was found. Trying to mount image:  $($SourceWIM)"

			Try {
				# Trying to mount image
				Mount-WindowsImage -ImagePath "$SourceWIM" -Index 1 -Path $MountDir | Out-Null
				Write-Verbose "Invoke-MountImage - Mounted Image:  $($SourceWIM)"
				Write-Log -Message "  - Image mount was successful"
			Catch {
				# Image mount failed. Set return code and provide help for further investigation.
				$Script:ReturnCode = 1
				Write-Verbose "Invoke-MountImage - Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)"
				Write-Verbose "Invoke-MountImage - Return code:  $($ReturnCode)"
				Write-Log -Message "  - Image mount failed. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Severity 3
				If (($_.Exception.Message -Match "wim is already mounted") -or ($_.Exception.Message -Match "wim er allerede tilsluttet") -or ($_.Exception.Message -Match "wim er allerede montert")) {
					Write-Log -Message "For further information, please examine the DISM log:  C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log" -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message " " -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message "Check for mounted image with one of the below commands" -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message "-------------------------------------------------------------------" -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message "DISM command:  Dism /Get-MountedImageInfo" -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message 'PowerShell command:  Get-WindowsImage -Mounted' -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message " " -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message "Try unmounting the image with one of the below commands" -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message "-------------------------------------------------------------------" -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message "DISM command:  Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:$($MountDir) /Discard" -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message 'PowerShell command:  Get-WindowsImage -Mounted | ForEach-Object {$_ | Dismount-WindowsImage -Discard -ErrorVariable wimerr; if ([bool]$wimerr) {$errflag = $true}}; If (-not $errflag) {Clear-WindowsCorruptMountPoint}' -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message " " -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message "Please visit Microsoft Docs for further information about DISM or Get-WindowsImage." -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message "" -Severity 2
					Write-Log -Message "" -Severity 2
				Else {

	Function Invoke-UnmountImage {
		Try {
			# Trying to unmount image
			Write-Log -Message "  - Trying to unmount image:  $($SourceWIM)"
			Dismount-WindowsImage -Path $MountDir -Discard | Out-Null
			Write-Verbose "Invoke-UnmountImage - Unmounting Image:  $($SourceWIM)"
			Write-Log -Message "  - Image unmount was successful"

			If ((Test-Path -Path "$MountDir")) {
		Catch {
			# Image mount failed. Set return code and provide help for further investigation.
			$Script:ReturnCode = 1
			Write-Verbose "Invoke-UnmountImage - Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)"
			Write-Verbose "Invoke-UnmountImage - Return code:  $($ReturnCode)"
			Write-Log -Message "  - Image unmount failed. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Severity 3
			Write-Log -Message "For further information, please examine the DISM log:  C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log" -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message " " -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message "Check for mounted image with one of the below commands" -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message "-------------------------------------------------------------------" -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message "DISM command:  Dism /Get-MountedImageInfo" -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message 'PowerShell command:  Get-WindowsImage -Mounted' -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message " " -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message "Try unmounting the image with one of the below commands" -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message "-------------------------------------------------------------------" -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message "DISM command:  Dism /Unmount-Image /MountDir:$($MountDir) /Discard" -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message 'PowerShell command:  Get-WindowsImage -Mounted | ForEach-Object {$_ | Dismount-WindowsImage -Discard -ErrorVariable wimerr; if ([bool]$wimerr) {$errflag = $true}}; If (-not $errflag) {Clear-WindowsCorruptMountPoint}' -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message " " -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message "Please visit Microsoft Docs for further information about DISM or Get-WindowsImage." -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message "" -Severity 2
			Write-Log -Message "" -Severity 2

	Function Invoke-MountCleanup {
		Try {
			# Trying to cleanup the mount directory
			Write-Log -Message "  - Trying to cleanup the mount directory"
			Remove-Item -Path $MountDir -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
			Write-Verbose "Invoke-MountCleanup - Mount Cleanup:  $($MountDir)"
			Write-Log -Message "  - Mount cleanup was successful"
		Catch {
			# Mount cleanup failed. Write log entry.
			Write-Verbose "Invoke-MountCleanup - Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)"
			Write-Log -Message "  - Mount cleanup was unsuccessful" -Severity 2

	Function Invoke-ApplicationDeployment {
		Param (
			[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage = "Specify a process for the deployment process.")]

			[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, HelpMessage = "Specify arguments for the deployment process.")]

		Try {
			# Trying to execute the install process
			Write-Log -Message "  - Trying to $($DeploymentMode.ToLower()) $($AppName)"
			If (($Host.Name -Match "ConsoleHost")) {
				Write-Verbose "Invoke-ApplicationDeployment - Install Process:  $($Process) $($Arguments)"
				$Install = Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $Arguments -PassThru -NoNewWindow -Wait
			Else {
				Write-Verbose "Invoke-ApplicationDeployment - Install Process:  $($Process) $($Arguments)"
				$Install = Start-Process -FilePath $Process -ArgumentList $Arguments -PassThru -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait
			$Script:ReturnCode = $Install.ExitCode

			# Validate the install process
			If (($ReturnCode -eq 0) -or ($ReturnCode -eq 3010)) {
				Write-Verbose "Invoke-ApplicationDeployment - Return Code:  $($ReturnCode)"
				Write-Log -Message "  - The $($DeploymentMode.ToLower()) was successful"
			Else {
				Write-Verbose "Invoke-ApplicationDeployment - Return Code:  $($ReturnCode)"
				Write-Log -Message "  - The $($DeploymentMode.ToLower()) did not complete successfully.  Return code $($ReturnCode)" -Severity 2
		Catch {
			# The deployment failed. Set return code and write log entry.
			$Script:ReturnCode = 1
			Write-Verbose "Invoke-ApplicationDeployment - Return Code:  $($ReturnCode)"
			Write-Log -Message "  - The $($DeploymentMode.ToLower()) failed. Error message at line $($_.InvocationInfo.ScriptLineNumber): $($_.Exception.Message)" -Severity 3

	# Start Logging
	Write-Log -Message "Successfully initialized logging for Application Deployment"
	Write-Log -Message "[GatherInfo]: Starting gathering information . . ."
	Write-Log -Message "  - Username:  $Env:USERDOMAIN\$Env:USERNAME"
	Write-Log -Message "  - Computername:  $Env:USERDOMAIN\$env:COMPUTERNAME$"
	Write-Log -Message "  - Application:  $($AppName)"
	Write-Log -Message "  - Deployment mode:  $($DeploymentMode)"
	Write-Log -Message "  - Log location:  $($LogFilePath)"
	Write-Log -Message "[GatherInfo]: Completed gathering information"

	# Trying to mount image
	If (($ReturnCode -eq 0)) {
		Write-Log -Message "[MountImage]: Starting mounting image . . ."

		# Validate the image mount
		If (($ReturnCode -eq 0)) {
			Write-Log -Message "[MountImage]: Completed mounting image"
		Else {
			Write-Log -Message "[MountImage]: Mounting image was unsuccessful"

	# Trying to deploy the application
	If (($ReturnCode -eq 0)) {
		Write-Log -Message "[ApplicationDeployment]: Starting application deployment in ''$($DeploymentMode)'' mode . . ."
		Invoke-ApplicationDeployment -Process $Process -Arguments $Arguments
		# Validate the application deployment
		If (($ReturnCode -eq 0) -or ($ReturnCode -eq 3010)) {
			Write-Log -Message "[ApplicationDeployment]: Completed application deployment in ''$($DeploymentMode)'' mode"
		Else {
			Write-Log -Message "[ApplicationDeployment]: Application deployment in ''$($DeploymentMode)'' mode was unsuccessful"

	# Trying to unmount image
	If (($ReturnCode -eq 0) -or ($ReturnCode -eq 3010)) {
		Write-Log -Message "[UnmountImage]: Starting unmounting image . . ."

		# Validate the image unmount
		If (($ReturnCode -eq 0) -or ($ReturnCode -eq 3010)) {
			Write-Log -Message "[UnmountImage]: Completed unmounting image"
		Else {
			Write-Log -Message "[UnmountImage]: Unmounting image was unsuccessful"
End {
	# End Logging
	Write-Log -Message "Application Deployment is exiting with return code $($ReturnCode)"
	Write-Log -Message "Successfully finalized logging for Application Deployment"

	# Set Exit Code
	Write-Verbose "Exiting with return code $($ReturnCode)"
	Exit $ReturnCode

Create the Application

Okay, so let´s say that we want to deploy Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 in your environment and we have already created the application.wim file and modified the PowerShell script to fit your needs.

We will then have to created an application in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager with an deployment type like we have done many times before, the only difference this time is the command lines used to install the application and that the source folder only contains the application.wim file, PowerShell script and maybe a folder with icons for Software Center (optional)

# Install - Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File ".\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1" -DeploymentMode "Install" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office 2019"
# Uninstall - Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File ".\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1" -DeploymentMode "Uninstall" -XML "Office-Uninstall.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office 2019"
# Repair - Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NoProfile -File ".\Invoke-AppDeploy.ps1" -DeploymentMode "Repair" -XML "Office-Configuration.xml" -AppName "Microsoft Office 2019"

Finish up the application creation, deploy it to your environment and enjoy😎

What Does the Log Say?

Earlier in this blog post I showed you how to WIM the Java 8 Update 271 application, let's get back to that deployment and see what the log says.

So, the script comes with a user-friendly and ingenious log function (If I must say so myself🤓). By default the script will create the log file in "C:\WINDOWS\Temp" and the log file will automatically split itself when it reaches 250 KB in size, the old log file will get time stamped and compressed.

As you can see in the below print screens, the Java 8 Update 271 is installed and uninstalled from different PS sessions (Hint - look at the different threads), the log is pretty detailed, but still user-friendly and it handles return codes as well, as you can see below.

That's pretty awesome if you ask me🤓


Firstly, I must say that WIM your applications is pretty awesome! In most cases it can improve deployment time and reduce the size of the application and storage usage on the content share and distribution point.

In our BranchCache enabled production environment we have seen 30 - 60% improvements on deployment time for huge applications like Autodesk Revit and it has also reduced the application creation wait time in the Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager console.

But as you can also read from this blog post, you won't gain anything with small or already compressed applications, so the only thing you will gain here is to standardize your deployment methods.

With that said, I would definitely recommend "WIMMING" your applications, why? Because 1 file is better than 12,000 files and that is "WINNING" in the end😎

If you have any questions regarding this topic, feel free to reach out to me. I am most active on Twitter!

Last updated